Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pregnancy post

Our friend Matthew left a comment wondering about a possible pregnancy post. This is the only one I'm posting: I'm due early February. I'm sick, but not as sick as with Little S (thank goodness). That's it.

I will not be adding one of those photos to my sidebar of a growing fetus that changes each week, or anything like that.

If you haven't already seen it, check out the blog Seriously So Blessed. It's a funny spoof on our mommy blogs. FYI - it is ALL a joke. My hip little bro sent me the link a month ago (he's bummed that all his friends get married and stop updating their Facebook pages in favor of blogs).

Apparently, Seriously So Blessed posted a Breaking Dawn spoiler. I've got 200 pages left, so I don't know if it was a real spoiler or not, but Read Blog at Your Own Risk :)


Jinky said...

Congratulations! How's Little S. with the sibbling concept? --So happy for you all.

Take care

Matthew said...

Thanks for the update! Best of luck.

Lempskies said...

Congrats! Little S is so cute- I'm thrilled you are adding to the population of cute children (plus childbearing bodes well for for the future of social security). Way to be socially responsible you two.

jamie said...

oh wow!!! congratulations, you guys!!!!