Saturday, August 22, 2009

Slumber my darlings

I'm the only one awake in my house and this song started playing on a blog I happened upon. I haven't heard this gorgeous lullaby since before baby J was born - now that I have 2 darlings the song's beautiful poetry is even sweeter to me.

We also got news yesterday that our good friends' 14 month-old was severely burned by scalding water on 65% of his body. He is at Shriner's hospital in Boston undergoing what will be months of surgeries. I have learned it is only after you become a parent that stories like these touch you in inexplicable ways.


Matthew said...

What tragic circumstances. I hope things go well for him. The song is quite lovely.

Do you know the exact title? I'd like to learn to play it....

Matthew said...

Found it...

Air Force Blues said...

Poor little guy. I hate when things happen to kids. We will keep him in our prayers. Love the song. thanks for that